5 Reasons You Should Teach EFL This Summer

You’ve probably heard countless times that a TEFL certificate is worth it, but do you know why? Whether it’s the opportunity for travel that’s drawn you in, or the flexibility of the job that’s caught your eye, one thing is for sure - a TEFL certificate can take you on an incredible journey. It’s an investment in yourself, and who can resist that?


There’s a reason so many digital nomads gravitate towards the TEFL life - you’d be hard-pressed to find a job that is more flexible than teaching EFL. Online teaching is often favoured by those who prefer a flexible working lifestyle. Choose your clients, your schedule, your preparation time, and how you choose to deliver your curriculum. Are you an early bird, or more of a night owl? Flexible working really shines for those who know when they work and play best. When you’re in control of your own work life, you open yourself up to opportunities that otherwise might have passed you by. If you’ve chosen to use TEFL as a way of travelling the world, you can use your newfound flexibility to make time to explore your surroundings, seek new experiences, keep up with family, or make new friends. 

Opportunity to Travel 

It’s probably one of the biggest benefits for having a TEFL certificate, but the travel opportunities the certificate provides are endless. But did you know how much a TEFL career can enhance your travelling experience? For lots of EFL teachers, they choose to embrace the country they’re in as the place they are living in, not just travelling around. The way you experience the country is often deeper, and on a more personal level. You’ll spend enough time there to discover the best spots for locals, make lasting friendships, and really grasp the country’s culture. This is why a TEFL certificate gives you an unrivalled travel experience. 

Good salaries 

It’s difficult to put one figure on how much you can expect to earn as an EFL teacher. There are so many factors that come into play - the country you’re working in, the qualifications you have, the organisation you choose to work for, and how often you choose to work. For a lot of aspiring EFL teachers it’s not the money that’s the main motivator, but it’s a good idea to set your expectations before you begin applying for jobs.

A country’s cost of living is a great starting point when thinking about salaries. It’s not uncommon to find that salaries are higher in bigger cities when compared with smaller, rural towns. Higher salaries can be found in Asia and the Middle East, so if money is a bigger motivator for you, you might want to start your searches in those areas of the world. 

Having a degree can definitely help you achieve those higher salaries, but it’s not the be-all and end-all if you don’t have one. Other qualifications, your previous EFL experience, or experience in similar roles is valued by employers and has the potential to bump up your salary.

Enhance your CV

Whether you're looking to add something interesting to your UCAS personal statement, or you’re looking to impress your next employer, a TEFL certificate is ideal. A TEFL certificate demonstrates adaptability, communication skills, and a global perspective. It’s valued in many fields beyond teaching and can provide you the opportunity to develop key transferable skills. Probably one of the most, if not the most, important skill for an EFL teacher is communication. You’ll likely be meeting and interacting with a lot of new people, and the obvious language barriers mean that your communication skills need to be top notch. Being able to effectively demonstrate to an employer all the ways you’ve successfully used your communication skills throughout your TEFL career will be a huge bonus in securing any future roles. You’ll also be able to demonstrate to future employers or universities that you have great organisational skills, cultural knowledge and sensitivity, problem-solving, and management skills. 

Invest in yourself

A TEFL Certificate really is an investment in yourself. In as little as a month or two, you could be well on your way to starting a new journey. Teaching English as a Foreign Language can take you to any corner of the world (or you can teach from your sofa, if that’s more your thing). Take the time to learn some skills, and be constantly improving as you progress through different teaching roles. Do it for you!

Ready to invest in yourself? Enrol on our Interactive Online TEFL Course to start your journey this summer.


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